Thursday, October 22, 2009

just sometimes..............

Christmas is not that far away - really only just around the corner! I promised the church sewing circle ladies that I would embroider a cloth for their sales table - (note to self - learn to say ''no'' :0))

Trouble is - my idea of embroidery and the stuff I do is a long long way from the ladies fantastic, traditional, oh-so-neat embroidery.

The gauntlet is down - and the challenge has to be met!

I am trained in embroidery - traditional and otherwise - but it sometimes has to be proved.

So here is my little angel cloth - at least the start of it................... finely worked in French Knots and stranded thread................... and it tooks hours to do this much.

I might just do another in teabags and old puree tubes :0) Just to prove my point that is :0)

Zaz ;0)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

looking for work

I am an unemployed cocker spaniel called William , 6 months old- currently looking for a position within the marketing industry for dog food/products etc

I am well behaved (sometimes), gorgeous (all the time) and unbelievably beautiful - (modest too)

any ideas?


two of the boys

a little update on my ''boys''

Charles and William - 9 years old and 6 months old where did all that dog come from !

Zaz ;0)

Sunday, October 04, 2009

and the next to arrive

I am still working on my figures for the ''Kitchen'' exhibition - and here is the new one to be submitted

all recycled stuff - whether it be packing materials, or antique equipment discovered in the local rummage shop ........................ the tall wooden post thingy is an old potato masher - and the board the figure stands on is part of an old mangel system ................... the clothes are ...............well , now wouldnt that be telling :0)

but I will disclose that the amazing hair is an old horse hair brush ...................I love recycling - such wonderful stuff.

Zaz ;0)